HIE Resources

Integrated Care DC Managed Care Readiness Workshop

View materials from this event hosted by Department of Health Care Finance, DBH Training Institute, & Integrated Care DC on May 9, 2023. The in-person workshop was designed for behavioral health providers and other organizations seeking to prepare for the integration of behavioral health into the District’s Medicaid Managed Care Program. Presenters shared information and facilitated exercises to help leadership, clinical and operational staff, and other stakeholders develop the organizational competencies needed to succeed in managed care, including an understanding of managed care principles, how to communicate effectively with managed care partners, and how to effectively demonstrate the value of care through quality measurement and population health.

From Beginning to End: A Case-Based Experiential Session About Advance Care Planning (Advance Directive & Person-Centered Care Planning Series 3)

This case-based, hands-on session will allow physical and behavioral health professionals to walk through the steps of engaging patients with different presentations and personalities in Advance Care Planning, codifying their wishes in Advance Directives, and making those Advance Directives accessible on the health information exchange. The session’s experiential design will help providers consolidate their skills, increase their comfort and confidence, and feel inspired to approach patients about Advance Care Planning with new ideas and tools. It will include ad hoc case discussions and time for providers to raise questions and concerns.

Overcoming Patient Reluctance & Provider Discomfort to Engage in Advance Care Planning (Advance Directive and Person-Centered Care Planning Series 2)

Among the many barriers to Advance Care Planning, patient reluctance and provider discomfort play large roles. In this highly interactive workshop, we’ll discuss concrete behavioral strategies for overcoming the fears that prevent patients from planning for end-of-life care or times when they are incapacitated. Specific topics include employing the spirit of Motivational Interviewing, normalizing doubts, and helping patients understand the benefits for their family members when they decline to plan. The importance of codifying patient wishes and uploading them to health information exchanges through AD Vault will be stressed. Case illustrations will be used throughout.

The Basic Basics of Advance Care Planning—What It Is, Why It’s Helpful, & How to Ensure It Matters (Advance Directive and Person-Centered Care Planning Series 1)

This interactive webinar will cover several key topics: clarifying the purpose and processes of Advance Care Planning; its importance for patient self-determination and reducing healthcare costs; providers’ roles as trusted guides in engaging patients in planning; and technological solutions for ensuring Advance Directives are widely downloadable when most needed. CRISP DC’s AD Vault will be introduced. Case illustrations will be used throughout.

Using Disease Registries to Improve Your Practice Population’s Health

This webinar focuses on effective strategies for engaging justice-involved populations and ways to support individuals transitioning to communities. The speakers shared case studies to illustrate the ways that providers have managed transitions of care and supported people. This session is approved by the American Academy of Family Physicians for up to 1 AMA Level 1 CME credit.

Core Competencies Framework for Practice Transformation

The goal of the ICTA program is to improve care and Medicaid beneficiary outcomes within three practice transformation core competencies: Delivering person-centered care across the care continuum Using population health analytics to address complex medical, behavioral health, and social needs; and Engaging leadership to support value-based care. This document provides more detail, including sub-elements for each core competency.

Utilizing ADT Alerts for Transitions of Care

This webinar focused on the importance and potential impact of using ADT alerts to manage transitions of care, including an interview with Providence and a system demo from the Medical Home Network in Chicago, IL.
Integrated Care DC is managed by the DC Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) in partnership with the DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH). This project is supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). A total of $4,598,756, or 74 percent, of the project is financed with federal funds, and 1,639,167, or 26 percent, is funded by non-federal sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, or an endorsement by, HHS or the U.S. Government.