TeleMAT Part 2: Treating Addiction, Including MAT via Telehealth


Description: Starting treatment for substance use disorders, like other medical and mental health conditions, requires close follow-up while stabilizing patients, followed by less frequent follow-up after stabilization. The frequency of visits can present an unnecessary barrier to getting care, which can be partially overcome by providing telehealth services. Regulations surrounding Medications for Addiction Treatment have been relaxed compared to years past and now allow for use of telehealth services. We will review the regulations around behavioral health (BH) and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. Part of the regulatory changes now allow for buprenorphine to be prescribed over telehealth and it is important to become comfortable with the standard of care of home induction of buprenorphine. During this webinar, we will also discuss patient engagement and outcomes for both virtual individual and group treatments. This is the second webinar in a two-part series on Tele-MAT. We will hear from Tele-MAT grantees about their programs, successes and lessons learned during part 1 on January 11, 2021, 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET.

Facilitators: Shannon Robinson, MD (HMA), Scott Haga, MPAS, PA-C (HMA)

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