Strategies For Effective Quality Improvement In Value Based Arrangements – Cost of Care Part 4

Strategies For Effective Quality Improvement In Value Based Arrangements – Cost of Care Part 4

Description: This webinar explores the critical connection between the cost of healthcare services and quality outcomes. Attendees gained the skills to identify a set of meaningful metrics to monitor that inform strategic opportunities to elevate the quality of care...
Understanding Cost of Care to Drive Value-Based Payment Arrangements – Cost of Care Part 3

Understanding Cost of Care to Drive Value-Based Payment Arrangements – Cost of Care Part 3

Description: It is important for healthcare providers to understand the cost of the services they provide and compare that to reimbursement rates. In value-based care arrangements, they should also anticipate the impact of their care models on patient outcomes and...
Decoding Healthcare Finances Understanding Costs And Indirect Allocation Strategies Cost of Care Part 2

Decoding Healthcare Finances Understanding Costs And Indirect Allocation Strategies Cost of Care Part 2

 Description: With the District of Columbia’s movement to a reimbursement system with services defined and paid through a procedure code, health care leadership must understand the costs that are directly provided and those that indirectly...
Integrated Care DC Managed Care Readiness Workshop

Integrated Care DC Managed Care Readiness Workshop

View materials from this event hosted by Department of Health Care Finance, DBH Training Institute, & Integrated Care DC on May 9, 2023. The in-person workshop was designed for behavioral health providers and other organizations seeking to prepare for the integration of behavioral health into the District’s Medicaid Managed Care Program. Presenters shared information and facilitated exercises to help leadership, clinical and operational staff, and other stakeholders develop the organizational competencies needed to succeed in managed care, including an understanding of managed care principles, how to communicate effectively with managed care partners, and how to effectively demonstrate the value of care through quality measurement and population health.
Treatment Planning (Quality & Population Health Series, Part 2)

Treatment Planning (Quality & Population Health Series, Part 2)

We often think of the treatment plan as a document to complete. However, it can be a tool to engage and empower the person served in their own recovery process. In this interactive webinar we will learn the core components of the treatment planning process from a person-centered and engagement-focused lens.
Guiding: Using Motivational Interviewing Skills to Guide Conversations (Motivational Interviewing Series, Part 2)

Guiding: Using Motivational Interviewing Skills to Guide Conversations (Motivational Interviewing Series, Part 2)

There are three main approaches to helping people make a change, directing, following, and a middle-of-the-road approach of guiding. Motivational Interviewing (MI) promotes guiding as an approach to discovering and uncovering an individual’s motivations, concerns, values, and options. This refresher workshop will provide the opportunity to directly practice using MI skills to build discrepancy and move conversations towards enhancing commitment to change.
Quality Measurement Basics: And Why it Matters (Quality & Population Health Series, Part 1)

Quality Measurement Basics: And Why it Matters (Quality & Population Health Series, Part 1)

Understanding, measuring, working to improve quality performance are critical to ensuring that patients have positive outcomes and providers are satisfied—they’re also critical to ensure your practice is meeting its regulatory requirements and maximizing payment opportunities. As the District of Columbia carves in behavioral health care to managed care arrangements and requires more providers to be in value-based care arrangements, it is even more imperative that quality measurement and improvement is understood and infused across your organization—from providers, to leaders, to auxiliary staff. This two-part series will describe the quality measurement basics and why it matters, and then treatment planning for population health. In Part 1, we will explore why we need to infuse a culture of quality within healthcare organizations, including an understanding of what we value, who we serve, and who we are accountable to. Presenters will emphasize the importance of all staff understanding quality and its impact on our patients, staff and organization. We will review the basics of measurement and key measures in quality focused on integrated care.

Perinatal Substance Use: Everything You Wanted to Know

Because many women and persons of childbearing age pregnant with SUD may not readily share information with providers and because pregnancy is a period where the motivation for change is extremely high, positioning providers to identify and care for this population has great potential for establishing a recovery path and changing lives. This webinar will review the risks and effects of SUD among women of childbearing age, pregnant and parenting persons and their affected infants, including screening and treatment considerations, breastfeeding decisions and ideal mechanisms for engagement and support of women and other pregnant persons on their recovery journey. We will also cover the short and long-term effects of SUD exposure on the infants, including non-pharmacologic alternative interventions and follow-up considerations.
TeleMAT Part 2: Treating Addiction, Including MAT via Telehealth

TeleMAT Part 2: Treating Addiction, Including MAT via Telehealth

Starting treatment for substance use disorders, like other medical and mental health conditions, requires close follow-up while stabilizing patients, followed by less frequent follow-up after stabilization. The frequency of visits can present an unnecessary barrier to getting care, which can be partially overcome by providing telehealth services. Regulations surrounding Medications for Addiction Treatment have been relaxed compared to years past and now allow for use of telehealth services. We will review the regulations around behavioral health (BH) and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. Part of the regulatory changes now allow for buprenorphine to be prescribed over telehealth and it is important to become comfortable with the standard of care of home induction of buprenorphine. During this webinar, we will also discuss patient engagement and outcomes for both virtual individual and group treatments. This is the second webinar in a two-part series on Tele-MAT. We will hear from Tele-MAT grantees about their programs, successes and lessons learned during part 1 on January 11, 2021, 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET.

MAT and Tele MAT Pre Appointment Self Assessment

This one-page self-assessment can be utilized before individual or group MAT appointments; this tool aligns with ASAM criteria allowing the provider to plan for the current session and to aid in treatment planning. With a slight modification, this could also be used by persons not on MAT in preparation for individual or group appointments for substance use disorders. Critical questions required for all telehealth appointments are reviewed, such as the address and phone number where the person can be reached today.
TeleMAT Part 1: Showcase of Tele-MAT Grantees: Lessons Learned From the Field

TeleMAT Part 1: Showcase of Tele-MAT Grantees: Lessons Learned From the Field

The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) awarded grants to local organizations to support new telehealth services for residents in Wards 7 and 8 as well as residents of homeless shelters and public housing developments. These projects connect patients to specialists using interactive audio, video, or other new technology. DHCF also awarded grants to local organizations to support telemedicine services among the District’s medication-assisted therapy (MAT) network of providers, including providers authorized (“waivered”) to treat opioid dependency with buprenorphine. During this session, we will hear from the three Tele-MAT grantees about their programs’ successes, challenges and lessons learned. An overview of Tele-MAT will be provided in part 2 of this series on January 25, 2021, 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET.

Virtual Best Practices for Providers and Care Team Members

The front of this handout reviews what providers need to know, do and have a plan for prior to individual or group telehealth sessions. The back of the handout reviews important features of Zoom (TM) for those staff using Zoom (TM) as a platform for delivering telehealth sessions.

Buprenorphine Outpatient Prescriber Information

This one-page handout is designed for busy outpatient providers who wish to start a patient on buprenorphine but need guidance on what to do before, important things not to forget when starting, how to monitor patients on buprenorphine, what to do if the patient is or is not doing well and duration of treatment.

Patient Guide to Starting Buprenorphine

This one-page handout will help patients understand when they will start buprenorphine, based on the last time they used opioids and their current level of symptoms. It describes how to take buprenorphine in order for it to help with cravings and withdrawal symptoms, what dose of medication to take when starting and afterwards, and other important information about buprenorphine.
Contingency Management: Underutilized Evidence Based Treatment

Contingency Management: Underutilized Evidence Based Treatment

Contingency management is an evidence-based treatment plan for substance use disorder. This type of treatment, a major topic in media and public policy circles, promotes behavior change and reinforces positive behaviors. This short take video discusses contingency management treatment in more detail and how to increase its use in more practices.

Pregnancy and Substance Abuse: A Harm Reduction Toolkit

This toolkit was designed to help community providers care for pregnant and parenting people who use drugs in a holistic manner. The kit includes information about stigma reduction, trauma-informed care, and legal services. While the guide was developed IN NY, there are engagement and other information that is useful regardless of location.

ASHP Guidelines on Preventing Diversion of Controlled Substances

Controlled substances (CS) diversion in health systems can lead to serious patient safety issues, harm to the diverter, and significant liability risk to the organization. Diversion driven by addiction puts patients at risk of harm, including inadequate relief of pain, inaccurate documentation of their care in the medical record, exposure to infectious diseases from contaminated needles and drugs, and impaired healthcare worker (HCW) performance. In addition to patient harm, there are regulatory and legal risks to the organization, including fraudulent billing and liability for resulting damages, and decreased community confidence in the healthcare system. These guidelines provide a detailed and comprehensive framework to support organizations in developing their CS diversion prevention program (CSDPP) in order to protect patients, employees, the organization, and the community-at-large. Ultimately, each organization is responsible for developing a CSDPP that complies with applicable federal and state laws and regulations but also one that applies technology and diligent surveillance to routinely review process compliance and effectiveness, strengthen controls, and seek to proactively prevent diversion.

Implementing Care for Alcohol & Other Drug Use in Medical Settings An Extension of SBIRT

This change guide is designed to assist primary care clinicians and leaders to integrate care for patients with unhealthy alcohol and/or other drug use into routine medical care. As behavioral health care is increasingly integrated into medical settings, especially primary care, the focus is often on depression and anxiety. Care for alcohol and/or other drugs is often omitted or minimized, likely reflecting: stigma, lack of workforce training/education, and the traditional separation of care for alcohol and other drugs from traditional health care (e.g., primary care, emergency care, and behavioral health, etc.). This guide expands on and updates the widely recognized model of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT).

Common Comorbidities with Substance Use Disorders Research Report

When two disorders or illnesses occur in the same person, simultaneously or sequentially, they are described as comorbid. Comorbidity also implies that the illnesses interact, affecting the course and prognosis of both.1,2 This research report provides information on the state of the science in the comorbidity of substance use disorders with mental illness and physical health conditions.

Using Registries for Population Health

Registries are important population health tools that allow organizations to collect, organize, aggregate, and utilize the information for a variety of purposes. Maintaining registries for certain disease states such as depression or diabetes provides easy access to results, identification of care gaps, and level of improvement and can lead to adjustments in care as needed. This Short Take video provides an introduction to registries and how to use them.

Mother & Baby Substance Exposure Toolkit

An online resource to provide broad access to resources to clarify best practices to support and improve the care for substance-exposed mothers and newborns. The toolkit includes resources to support screening, assessment, and level of care determination; treatment; transitions of care; and education.

Addiction Free California

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has implemented the California Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) Expansion Project to address the opioid epidemic throughout the state. This website serves as a separate yet complementary resource to the DHCS MAT Expansion Website and provides resources and information related to the four MAT Expansion Project initiatives operated by Health Management Associates. The California MAT Expansion Project aims to increase access to MAT, reduce unmet treatment need, and reduce opioid overdose-related deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment, and recovery activities. The project focuses on individuals experiencing homelessness, youth, rural, and tribal populations with limited MAT access. The California MAT Expansion Project, composed of nearly 30 initiatives, is funded by grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

HMAedu – A Learning Management System for Treatment Teams is an educational resource specifically designed for training treatment teams about addiction, pain, and behavioral health. With over 25 hours of education through the lens of patient-centered care, users can explore topics of interest or follow the suggested curriculum path. Once a user signs in, the learning management system automatically loads modules that are pertinent to the user’s level of training. This automation allows for consistency in messaging to all providers without delivering information beyond the scope of practice. Each course starts with a TED Talks-style overview that is followed by patient-focused modules of 3-10 minutes each. Each module is traced for completion and can be reported back to the client and individual for tracking purposes.
Harm Reduction 101: Harm Reduction Basics and Lessons From the Field

Harm Reduction 101: Harm Reduction Basics and Lessons From the Field

People with substance use disorders are at particular risk for overdoses and developing one or more primary conditions or chronic diseases. During this webinar, presenters will discuss harm reduction as a public health approach that aims to reduce harms related to substance use. Presenters will discuss strategies, policies, programs, and practices that aim to minimize negative health, social and legal impacts associated with drug use, drug policies, and drug laws.

The Next Stage of Buprenorphine Care for Opioid Use Disorder

This article reviews research findings in the following 7 areas: location of buprenorphine induction, combining buprenorphine with a benzodiazepine, relapse during buprenorphine treatment, requirements for counseling, uses of drug testing, use of other substances during buprenorphine treatment, and duration of buprenorphine treatment.

Pocket Guide: Medications for Addiction Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder SAMHSA

The Medication-Assisted Treatment Of Opioid Use Disorder pocket guide to provide guidance on how to assess the need for treatment, referring to higher levels of care if necessary and the approved frequency and route of administration for treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. In addition, a tool has been provided to determine clinical opiate withdrawal.

Understanding the Brain and Treatment for People with Opioid Use Disorders

Understanding the brain chemistry associated with opioid use disorder treatment is essential: Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) restores depleted dopamine in the brain so people impacted by OUD can regain functioning. Recognizing this, therapy and support services for OUD are most effective when provided in accordance with a person's healing process and readiness to engage in treatment.

Addiction Neuroscience 101

This module offers a 25-minute video of the neuroscience of addiction as a chronic brain disease presented by HMA’s Corey Waller, MD, MS, FACEP, DFASAM, with emphasis on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). "This lecture was developed for audiences of all backgrounds to absorb. From patients to nonspecialist docs. The intent was to move people past the preconceived notion that addiction is a moral failing or choice, to the reality that it is a chronic brain disease that creates maladaptive connections in large swaths of the brain. Over the hundreds of lectures, I have given in my career, I have come to realize that running through 30+ articles in a 70 slide PPT does not move people emotionally. But a good story will. The lecture has coalesced into a story form that is much more compelling than digging through the dense science of voxel dysmorphology, BOLD fMRI technology, and all of the structures postulated to drive craving. If I need a custody officer to "get it" or an administrator to understand the concept, I cannot give them the same lecture I would give a psychiatrist, addiction psychologist, addiction doc, or a neurologist."

Treating Addiction in the Setting of COVID-19

Deeper dive on the operational practicalities of delivering MAT and other SUD treatment to clients through telehealth and other remote means; risk and management of relapse and overdose; current expectations regarding privacy rules, documentation, and new regulations from the DEA.